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Chutzpah doesn’t begin to describe it

CNN reports:

Rep. James Comer, in one of his first moves as House Oversight Chairman, is seeking information from the Treasury Department about the Biden family’s financial transactions and calling on a handful of former Twitter executives to testify at a public hearing.

The new round of letters from the committee come as House Republicans are looking to flex their investigative might and make good on promises to delve into the Biden family finances and alleged political influence over technology companies after Twitter temporarily suppressed a 2020 story about Hunter Biden and his laptop.

“Now that Democrats no longer have one-party rule in Washington, oversight and accountability are coming,” Comer said of his panel’s investigation into Hunter Biden and the Biden family’s business dealings. “This investigation is a top priority for House Republicans during the 118th Congress.”

They had zero concerns about this:

Donald Trump Jr. arrived in India on Tuesday for a week-long visit, and his trip has already revealed a couple of things.

First, it’s clear that the Trump administration is still embroiled in huge conflicts of interest. And second, it’s evident that the Trump brand, though toxic at home, commands surprising power in the world’s second most populous country.

President Trump’s eldest son will be spending his time in India promoting Trump-branded luxury apartments across the country. He’ll be meeting with real estate brokers and potential buyers throughout the week in his family business’s biggest market outside the US.

He’s also offering a special reward to Indians who buy property from him: He’ll join them for an intimate meal.

Indian newspapers have been running advertisements that promise homebuyers willing to pay a roughly $38,000 booking fee an opportunity to “join Mr. Donald Trump Jr. for a conversation and dinner.”

Government ethics experts in the US are appalled by that prospect, and say that the arrangement encourages Indians — especially those with ties to India’s government — to use purchases of Trump-branded property as a way to gain favor with the Trump administration.

Or this:

As Jared Kushner’s father-in-law, Donald J. Trump, was running for President, the Kushners were pitching Qatari investors to help bail out the building [666 5th Avenue]. And just weeks after his father Charles reportedly failed to reach a deal with Qatar’s minister of finance, Jared Kushner, in his capacity as a senior adviser to President Trump, reportedly played a central role in supporting a blockade of Qatar by Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Kushner never disclosed his meeting with Saudi Arabia and the UAE on the blockade to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson at the time. Later, a financial company tied to Qatar brokered an especially valuable deal to rescue the Kushner Companies’ property at 666 Fifth Avenue.

Or this:

 The red carpet was laid out Saturday for President Trump’s sons, Eric and Don Jr, the guests of honor at a plush event that brought out Dubai’s business elite and government officials to toast the launch of the Trump International Golf Club.

The guests, a mix of foreigners and locals, walked past lighted palm trees and were greeted by a line of Western women dressed in black with cream-colored shawls. Waiters served dim sum, quail egg canapes and lemon meringue tarts as an eight-person string orchestra played Vivaldi’s “Four Seasons.”

It was the first opening of a Trump-branded property since the president’s inauguration, illuminating how much his business interests are thriving despite concerns over potential conflicts of interests that could open the presidency up to foreign influence. While he has given control of his global empire to his children, Trump has not divested his ownership, which means he will benefit from any commercial success of the golf resort.

Those are just a few examples of Trump’s overwhelming conflicts of interest and influence peddling as president. Now he’s running again and doing it again. The Republicans having the nerve to turn Joe Biden’s misfit son’s influence peddling years ago into this level of scandal is simply mind boggling.

Of course, the Democrats didn’t go after the Trumps when they had the chance and I have never understood it. Trump was the most corrupt president in history, right out in the open and everyone just shrugged and said “waddayagonna do?” It was political malpractice.

By the way Trump is running again. maybe the Senate could take a look at some of this stuff before he does it again?

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