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Who are the groomers again?

The right wing is obsessed with children’s nether regions

This is so sick. More red state proposals for children’s genital inspections. Here’s North Dakota this week:

The North Dakota House of Representatives has introduced a bill that would strictly prohibit expanded use of pronouns outside of the gender that the person was born.

House Bill 2199 restricts the definition of gender to the person’s natural gender at birth and then requires that all pronoun use be reflective of that same gender. Any violation by anyone who works at an institution that receives state funding, including public schools would be subject to a $1,500 fine.

If gender is challenged, the bill puts the responsibility on the individual to prove their gender.

“Say, they’re a boy, but they come to school and say they’re a girl. As far as that school is concerned in this bill, that person is still a boy. If it becomes contested, the burden will be on the girl, the so-called girl, or the boy, to prove that he is a girl,” said North Dakota State Senator David Clemens while speaking in favor of the bill.


State Representative Beth Liston (D-Dublin) today issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed House Bill (HB) 151, legislation requiring high school athletes to prove their gender by submitting to intrusive inspections of their genitalia and other invasive tests.


Florida’s House of Representatives has passed a bill that would prevent transgender athletes from competing in women’s and girls’ sports in schools and colleges, while also subjecting students to “physical examination” if their gender was disputed.

Ron DeSantis is the only one to actually sign one of these bills into law so far, which he did with a flourish back in 2019:

The Republican governor made a show of signing the bill on Tuesday by highlighting a well-known example of transgender high school sprinters from Connecticut besting their competition on the track.

DeSantis, flanked by student athletes from the Jacksonville-based Trinity Christian Academy on stage, streamed a video of transgender athlete Terry Miller winning a race in 2019, then introduced one of her competitors, Selina Soule, to address the audience. Soule, a Connecticut high school track athlete who has been outspoken against allowing transgender athletes to compete, told the crowd her experience losing to transgender girls was “frustrating” and “demoralizing.”

DeSantis has signed into a law a slate of conservative-leaning bills from the GOP-led Legislature, including measures cracking down on Big Tech, loosening Covid restrictions and tightening voting rules, ahead of his reelection and possible bid for the White House in 2024.

Some 11 transgender athletes have applied since 2013-14 under the Florida High School Athletic Association’s participation policy, which allows students to petition to play sports regardless of the gender listed on their birth certificate. Democrats attempted to use this rule as an example that the law was unnecessary in Florida. The only in-state instance of transgender athletes that lawmakers could reference during session involved bowling.

This obsession with trans kids is truly warped especially coming from people who are equally obsessed with pedophilia. More projection? Sure looks like it.

By the way, they’ve been at this for a while. A Virginia politician proposed this back in 2016. He wanted to make sure no trans kids were using the “wrong” bathrooms, setting up the prospect of genital inspections at the restroom door. This proves it has nothing to do with fairness in girls sports, by the way. Of course.

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