Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has rejected a College Board request to approve an African-American Studies course in his state on the grounds that the course violates state law, according to a report. The Advanced Placement (AP) program, of which a pilot has been launched, was reportedly rejected by DeSantis’ administration in a letter to the College Board from the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation. The rejection letter dated Jan. 12 said “as presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value,” according to National Review.
We can be sure that if they come back with a curriculum that features nothing but screenings of “Gone With the Wind”, and that one clip of Martin Luther King saying “content of their character” it might be approved. Maybe. Surely they aren’t racists who just don’t think African American history in general “lacks educational value.” They just want to make sure that white students aren’t uncomfortable and that the story is told properly — with happy slaves and generous masters celebrating on the 4th of July together.
By the way, it’s not as if AP History doesn’t have other courses that deviate from the standard AP American history course I took in high school:
Gosh, I sure hope no little white snowflakes are uncomfortable with any of those subjects either. I could imagine the Japanese and Spanish ones might run afoul of that ruling. And lord knows what unacceptable images might come up in the Art class.
Let’s just admit that none of these people will be happy until public schools either teach nothing but the John Birch Society Handbook, the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and the Bible or they are to be closed down permanently with the money going to special Republican Party academies where they will be taught football, and target shooting, period.