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It was called “Bush v Gore” not “Gore v Bush”

Come on, people…

John Amato caught a top Republican in an egregious lie over the weekend that nobody else seems to have noticed:

The incoming chairman of the House intelligence Committee tried to both-side election fraud deniers by lying about who went to the Supreme court to challenge the 2000 election results. Mike Turner said it was Al Gore today when it has always been George W. Bush.

Face The Nation host Margaret Brennan asked Turner if he had any concerns about the incredible number of election deniers joining his committee.

“Of the 26 Republican members on the committee, 19 of them denied the results of the 2020 election,” Brennan noted.

CBS then listed Turner’s treasonous colleagues.

“They all played critical roles in the former president’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election results. Do you have any concerns about working with these lawmakers?” she asked.

This forced Rep. Turner to try and both-sides the insurrection crowd with the Democratic party — so much so that he even lied about the 2000 election to do it.

“You know even on the Democrat side there’s been a number of people who objected to President Bush’s reelection and voted against certifying his election,:” Turner replied, refusing to address the question.

“I’m asking about you, your party and your colleagues,” Brennan said.

Then came the BIG LIE part infinity.

“There’s a long history of both sides having raised issues, including, you may recall, Al Gore taking President Bush’s election all the way to the Supreme Court,” Turner claimed.

Rep. Turner lied so severely he should be kicked off all TV networks forever and ever.

To refresh our memories.

On November 26, 2000, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris certified that Bush had won the election by a 537-vote margin. Gore then sued Harris because all of the recounts had not been completed when she certified the results. On December 8, 2000, the Florida Supreme Court sided with Gore, ordering that all statewide “undervote” ballots, or punch-card ballots that had been cast but not registered because of a problem called a “hanging chad,” needed to be recounted.

Bush immediately appealed to the United States Supreme Court, which ordered the recount halted on December 9, 2000 until it could hear arguments in the case.

It was George W, Bush’s refusal to abide by the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to keep counting the votes that led him to take it to the highest court. Not Al Gore.

Brennan was trying to cut off Turner and maybe didn’t hear his outright lie.

Rep. Turner stayed with his prepared talking points of “there are election deniers on both sides of at isle.”

Turner then rattled on about the voters electing these seditious creeps.

The CBS host characterized Rep.Turner as some sort of the centrist , which is supposed to make him, I guess, in this context not to be an election fraud denier or conspiracy theorist.

So why would Mike Turner severely gaslight people over the controversial SCOTUS-decided presidential election of 2000?

In a nutshell: the entire Republican Party is full of corrupt liars.

And let’s not forget that once the Supreme Court ruled in that case, Al Gore conceded and that was that. And his argument was much, much more righteous that Trump’s ever was since he won the popular vote and the difference was just 535 votes in one state not tens of thousands across several states. Oh, and by the way, nobody stormed the capitol on January 6th that year and ransacked it in a big giant temper tantrum, either.

Comparing “election deniers” of the two parties is completely ridiculous and the press should stop them in their tracks when they try it. But they won’t. I would guess that a majority of Americans believe that “both sides do it.”

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