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Banning Yoko

It’s true.

Here’s what the book is about:

The charming, acclaimed book about a cat who is teased for the food she brings for school lunch—and that launched the beloved series about Yoko—is about accepting and embracing our differences.

Mmm, Yoko’s mom has packed her favorite for lunch today—sushi! But her classmates don’t think it looks quite so yummy. “Ick!” says one of the Franks. “It’s seaweed!” They’re not even impressed by her red bean ice cream dessert. Of course, Mrs. Jenkins has a plan that might solve Yoko’s problem. But will it work with the other children in class?


I suppose it is too much to ask that these people actually try to teach their kids to be polite, decent citizens, tolerant of differences with other people.  After all, they are cretinous morons themselves and only want their kids to grow up to be just like them. But what the hell? 

I think maybe we need to start looking at what books they want the schools to teach. A child’s guide to Mein Kampf? The Jim Crow Reader? What children’s’ books do they actually think are appropriate if this is too “woke” for them.

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