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No good deed …

Not that they will thank him for it but …

Last week Mayor Secretary Pete announced something the Biden administration is doing in Alabama to push their radical, woke, socialist agenda:

Here’s the Shelby County Reporter:

“County Road 52 in Pelham that’s a heavy, heavy corridor, and those tracks have been a challenge for a long time,” County Engineer David Willingham said. “That’s a huge win for Pelham.”

Man, when will these guys stop pushing their liberal elite values on Real America?

This road project is in Shelby County, Alabama, which went for Trump in 2020 by +41. (Not a typo.)

I mention this because what we have here is a clear case of the Biden administration centering the real-world concerns of rural voters who did not support him and taking action to make their daily lives better.

I do not expect the voters of Shelby County to give Biden credit for this work. But the rest of us should give him credit for trying. Credit for reaching out to the 46.8 percent of the country that didn’t vote for him. Credit for treating them as citizens and neighbors who deserve the government’s help—not as enemies to be punished.

For instance, the Biden administration is doling out $11 billion in grants to help rural electric co-ops modernize and compete with for-profit companies in places like Tennessee.

Then there’s the $42.5 billion he’s spending on bringing broadband internet to rural areas so that Trump voters can get InfoWars videos to load faster access to remote jobs and services.

When I wrote about Biden’s Morning in America yesterday a lot of people in the comments asked why he doesn’t get credit for the good stuff that’s going on, even as he gets blamed for the bad stuff. Part of the answer is that governing is boring.

Everyone wants to fight about retail theft in San Francisco, or the imaginary Border Wall, or trans stuff. These are all exciting topics and the Conservative Entertainment Industrial Complex spends hundreds of thousands of man-hours covering them precisely because people will tune in to listen.

No one wants to talk about putting bridges over railroad crossings, or helping rural electric co-ops, or laying fiber in West Virginia, because there’s no audience for that.

But that’s the media side. What about the voters?

My sense—and perhaps this is unfair—is that the voters of Shelby County would rather have a president who makes the liberals in San Francisco and New York City mad than a president who puts a bridge over a railroad crossing in their neighborhood so that fire trucks and ambulances can get to them quicker in an emergency.

Further: I would guess that more presidential votes in 2024 will be decided by opinions about high school trans athletes than by the facts of infrastructure spending.

But Joe Biden is governing as if this is not the case. And God bless him for it.

Liberals values have always held that it’s important to enact policies that help people regardless of whether they are Democratic voters or not. After all, the beneficiaries of these policies are also children who don’t have a say in where they’re born or who gave birth to them. It also helps other vulnerable citizens who aren’t political and those who are just plain ornery but need the government anyway. Republicans are all about loyalty tests and punishing their enemies. It’s a big difference.

I think this is the correct value but I also think that it would be wise for Democrats to work harder to take credit for these things. Brand infrastructure projects as Democratic and/or Biden, take out ads, let people know how they are benefiting from Democratic policies. I know it’s not as sexy as transgender bashing and Dr Seuss but over time these things might penetrate a few minds.

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