It appears to be over, at least as far as the DOJ is concerned:
Hunter Biden has reached a deal with federal prosecutors to resolve a five-year federal investigation into his failure to pay about $1 million in federal taxes and his purchase of a handgun in 2018.
Under an agreement detailed Tuesday in a filing in federal court in Delaware, President Joe Biden’s son will plead guilty to a pair of misdemeanor tax charges. Prosecutors have also charged him with possessing a firearm while being a user of illegal drugs — a felony — but have agreed to dismiss that charge if he completes a two-year period of probation.
Hunter Biden, 53, is unlikely to serve time in prison if he complies with release conditions. The deal calls for both sides to recommend that he be put on probation.
The probe was overseen by U.S. Attorney for Delaware David Weiss, who was appointed by former President Donald Trump and was permitted to stay in his post after Joe Biden took office in order to complete the investigation of the president’s son. The White House and the Justice Department have said they did not interfere with Weiss’ investigation.
The plea agreement is intended to be a comprehensive resolution of Hunter Biden’s potential legal liability in all matters investigated by federal authorities, a person familiar with the negotiations said. Those matters include allegations Republicans have leveled in recent years that his business dealings and his well-compensated post on the Ukrainian energy company Burisma amounted to corruption or violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act.
“This is the end of it,” the person involved said, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss the private legal discussions.
The wingnuts are howling, of course. They wanted him drawn and quartered and believe that the Trump appointed prosecutor who had over five years to investigate is a Deep State liberal shill.
I heard on TV that while nobody would have made this deal unless they believed the investigation was fully resolved (and his attorneys say that is the case) the paperwork says the investigation in ongoing. There is some speculation that they may have other people in their sites, maybe associates of Hunter’s or the rest of the evil Biden Crime Family. But whatever the reason, the Freedom Caucus Freaks are pushing for all the documentation and if the case is closed they may just get it. We all know where that could lead — smearing innocent people. So let’s hope they keep it open.