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Nikki’s nostalgia

Ah, the good ol’ days!

Do you remember #SecondCivilWarLetters? When in 2018 Alex Jones announced a Second Civil War starting on the 4th of July? Twitter erupted in mockery with Ken Burns-ishletters” from the front?

Nikki Haley touched off a sort of reprise (though much less fun) on Saturday with one tweet It was blowback a go-go!


Medhi Hasan: It was so simple when she was growing up that, per her own memoir, she wasn’t allowed to be in a child beauty pageant because it was divided into Black kids and white kids and she was neither. The good ol’ days!

That memory probably makes Nikki smile now.

Roger Sollenberger: When Nikki was growing up, she sure had it simple — the president of the HBCU where her father was a professor was shot by cops in the Orangeburg massacre while protesting racial segregation

Ted Lieu: Dear @NikkiHaley: I remember growing up, when folks called me Chink. Threw eggs at our house. Slashed our tires. Called the police on us because they thought Asians like us were stealing wild ducks for food. And no one in government looked like me or you.

Jeff Sharlet: 1970s? Nixon, Vietnam, every kid in my class terrified of nuclear annihilation, getting beat up for being a Jew, my divorced mom weeping because she couldn’t pay the bills, our rusty Plymouth—you *promise,* Nikki, you promise to bring all that back?

Kevin Baron: I remember when I was growing up no Jews were allowed to be members at the Country Club of Orlando. I know because our family was one of the first. No Blacks, either. No women, either.

Charles Gaba isn’t paying for this account: If by “growing up” you mean when I was 6 years old, sure it was simple, because I was six fucking years old and didn’t have to worry about getting gunned down in my 1st grade classroom among other things.

“Obsessed with this ratio,” tweets Molly Jong-fast

Jeff Tiedrich: I grew up in the 1960s. racism, sexism and homophobia weren’t just tolerated, they were openly encouraged. I guess for Republicans that’s a feature, not a bug . but you do you, Niks. enjoy never being president

MsSpentyouth: Life was so simple in small towns where I grew up. Neighbor guy: 18 kids w/ his wife (3 killed themselves bec incest), 11 kids in next town (2 suicides). Parish priest charged with sexual assault. Police chief who refused to arrest abusers he went to school with. Simple & easy…

Mrs. Betty Bowers: Do you remember when you were growing up, do you remember how simple life was, how easy it felt? The sky was always blue. There were no winters or toothaches. Mom served us candy for dinner. Everyone got puppies. We can have that again, but we must first elect an angry fascist.

Candy canes and rainbows, y’all.

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