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The GOP is getting older

They’re super white too…

Those numbers of Millennials and Gen Z are just astonishing. NBC News reports:

Republican primary voters are older, whiter and much more conservative than the electorate at large.

That should surprise no one who follows American politics, but our most recent national NBC News poll captures the profile of what the GOP primary electorate looks like.

Thirty-nine percent of Republican primary voters are age 65 and older, compared with 25% of the overall electorate and 25% of Democratic primary voters, according to the poll.

Eighty-nine percent of GOP primary voters are white, versus 72% of all voters.

And 67% of Republican primary voters say they are conservative, including 41% who are “very” conservative. 

That compares with 36% of all voters who are conservative, including 18% who are “very” conservative.

There are two slight — but significant — changes to the composition of the Republican electorate since the 2016 election cycle, when Donald Trump won the party’s presidential nomination and the White House, per the NBC News poll’s historical results.

One, the GOP is slightly more diverse than it was in 2016, when 92% of all Republican voters were white (versus 89% now). 

And two, the share of the GOP electorate without college degrees is larger. In 2012, 48% of Republicans didn’t have college degrees. By 2016, that percentage had increased to 58%.

Now it’s 63%, according to the NBC News poll

That last is actually bad news for Trump:

One of the most significant developments in the run-up to the 2024 presidential election has emerged largely under the radar. From 2016 to 2022, the number of white people without college degrees — the core of Donald Trump’s support — has fallen by 2.1 million.

Over the same period, the number of white people who have graduated from college — an increasingly Democratic constituency — has grown by 13.3 million.

These trends do not bode well for the prospects of Republican candidates, especially Trump.

They have lost many college educated over the past 8 years. And the ranks of the non-college educated is shrinking. It’s a bad formula for victory.

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