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Did Kanye send her?

The Georgia RICO indictment includes a couple of strange operators working the conspiracy in a specifically weird little side story I’ve always wondered about. This is the one about the woman who approached Ruby Freeman and told her that the feds were out to get her:

Here is yet another story from the range of conspiracies and criminal plots that were afoot last winter to overthrow the government of the United States and keep Donald Trump in power after losing the 2020 presidential election. Georgia election worker Ruby Freeman was one of those innocent bystanders who became the target of death threats and harassment tied to a conspiracy theory that she had helped steal the presidential election in Georgia for Joe Biden.

On January 4th 2021 – two days before the Capitol insurrection – a woman named Trevian Kutti knocked on Freeman’s door and told her she was in danger. If Freeman didn’t confess to the truth of Trump’s election rigging charges within 48 hours unidentified persons would come to her home and Freeman along with members of her family would be sent to jail.

Kutti is a publicist and head of Trevian Worldwide, a PR firm. As of 2018 she is also the “Director of Operations” for Kanye West, a friend and political ally of Trump. (Just before signing on with West Kutti had been PR Director for R Kelly. But she quit that job as sex trafficking and assault accusations piled up.) She was there as West’s employee but only identified herself as the emissary of a “high profile” individual with an urgent message and an offer of help.

At various points, Kutti suggested Freeman was in physical danger. Sometimes the threats targeted only her, at other times members of her family. At some points the people out to get Freeman were described as “federal people”. At other points they seemed to be Democrats. “You are a loose end for a party that needs to tidy up.” Threats of violence? Being disappeared? Sent to prison? It doesn’t seem to have been clear – only that Freeman had to confess if she wanted help from Kutti and the “high profile individual”.

Freeman called police saying she felt threatened and things kind of went downhill from there, with Kutti repeating her mix of threats and offers of help. A police officer eventually suggested that everyone take the meeting down to the local police station. The mix of threats and offers of assistance continued and Kutti eventually arranged a conference call with someone identified as “Harrison Ford” (but apparently not that Harrison Ford) who “had authoritative powers to get you protection” and who quizzed Freeman and tried to get her to admit to her role in the election rigging plot.

Kutti repeatedly told Freeman: “If you don’t tell everything you’re going to jail.”

According to Reuters, which broke the story, police took no action and did not further investigate the incident. According to Freeman, two days after Kutti’s visit on January 6th, a large group of Trump supporters did descend on her home with bullhorns. Freeman had already fled her home because of a January 5th tip from the FBI.

Both Trevian Kutti and Harrison Floyd were indicted yesterday. I’ll be very interested to hear what precipitated that approach to Freeman. Did they just come up with this all on their own? Or did a Trump loving rapper one of them worked for have something to do with it?

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