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Bootgate? Fergawdsakes

I’ll be so glad when I don’t have to see or read about this guy anymore:

Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis on Thursday contributed to the seemingly never-ending discourse about whether or not he wears lifts in his boots by outlining a bizarre scenario in which he would wear a boot on his head at next week’s GOP primary debate.

During an interview on Newsmax, the Florida governor—who has denied wearing any sort of height-boosting footwear—first responded to the chatter by saying that “this is no time for foot fetishes” because “we’ve got serious problems as a country.”

He went on to mention how Donald Trump has weighed in on the topic. On Tuesday, the former president’s campaign declared “#BOOTGATE” to be the “KISS OF DEATH” for DeSantis.

“I know Donald Trump and a lot of his people have been focusing on things like footwear,” DeSantis said. “I’ll tell you this: If Donald Trump can summon the balls to show up to the debate, I’ll wear a boot on my head.”

This is a perfect illustration of why he has done so badly. First, he’s re-running his Florida comrade Marco Rubio’s strategy in 2016 which flopped badly. Calling out Trump’s manhood just isn’t effective among Republicans because they don’t like seeing Dear Leader insulted. That’s his job. Also, why in the hell would he voluntarily bring this thing up again? It’s reaching Dukakis-in-a-tank levels of humiliation. And yet,  “DeSantis’ campaign was apparently so thrilled with his jab at the Republican front runner that it sent out a press release shortly afterward with that quote in the subject line.”

He’s just not good at this.

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