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Denialists gonna deny

Hindsight won’t save them

The post above by Dave Weigel just resurfaced on Blue Sky. It reminds us how much in denial senior Republican officials were not simply about Donald Trump’s malevolence immediately after he lost the 2020 election, but before he won the nomination of his party in 2016. Party leaders thought by humoring this misanthropic sociopath Republicans might get what they wanted from him. In four years, they’d learned nothing.

“We don’t need someone who can think. We need someone with enough digits to hold a pen,” Grover Norquist told CPAC in 2012. Trump may have been a buffoon, but he could hold a sharpie. He delivered wish list item #1, a massive tax cut. It may cost them not only their party but their country. A growing list of them could lose their freedom along the way if he’s reelected.

Trump may be an idiot, a coward and a narcissist, but he has a feral instinct for survival they underestimated. Grossly.

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