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What Are They Talking About?

This should have been interrogated a little bit more. These people disapprove of Biden’s Israel policy but think his support for Israel and Palestine is about right? I guess they might not think he shouldn’t support of either of them at all but that seems like a stretch. It’s weird question but it should be this confusing.

I think this shows the limitations of polling right now. People are expressing their discontent with Joe Biden on the economy despite telling pollsters their own financial situation is improved and they’re saying they disapprove of his handling of Israel despite the fact that they think he’s gotten the balance between the two warring parties about right. They’re basically saying they disapprove of Joe Biden and it actually has nothing to do with his policies. In fact, they like his policies. They’ve just decided they don’t like him.

I have to assume that some of this (at least among swing voters and Democrats) is about the PTSD dynamic that lingers from the pandemic and also the chaos that Trump and the Republicans constantly cause and which people think Biden is impotent to stop. Everything feels crazy — and the media isn’t helping.

But I also think that polling right now is sloppy, as with this daft question. They were trying to get people to tell them why they disapprove of Biden’s policy but worded it in such a way that probably did more to obscure than enlighten. There’s a lot of that around polling on Biden right now.

Some of this is just another way of saying “Biden’s an old white man and I don’t want to look at that.” I hear it in my personal life all the time. That’s what people see. But they also see Trump who hardly looks like a movie star and is getting weirder looking by the day. So that problem is going to balance itself out as the campaign takes off. And once it does, and other issues emerge, I think more people will be reminded of what they hated about Trump than think his term was the greatest time of their lives.

🙏 anyway….

In the meantime, Happy Hollandaise everyone!

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