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Falling In Line

Such profiles in courage. There hasn’t even been one primary and they’re already crawling on their bellies to lick Donald Trump’s boots. It’s sickening.

Scalise is predictable. He’s the guy who said he was running as “David Duke without the baggage.” Of course he’s with Trump. Hard core Christian theocrat Mike Johnson is backing Trump despite the fact that Trump is a Jeffrey Epstein pal recently found liable for sexual assault (among dozens of other “ungodly” behaviors.) He’s quite the moral man of faith.

I listened to the Bulwark podcast last night while cooking dinner and Tim Miller reminded me about Emmer. This happened just 10 weeks ago:

Just hours after Rep. Tom Emmer (R-Minn.) won the Republican Conference’s nomination to be House speaker on Tuesday, former President Donald Trump took to Truth Social to deride the congressman as “totally out-of-touch with Republican Voters” and a “Globalist RINO.”

He then got on the phone with members to express his aversion for Emmer and his bid for speaker.

By Tuesday afternoon Trump called one person close to him with the message, “He’s done. It’s over. I killed him.”

Just minutes later, Emmer officially dropped out of the race.

Now, Emmer says “thank you sir, may I have another” and endorses him.

Republican cowards, cynics and opportunists are the only people in the world who bow down to Trump and it convinces his brain dead cult that he is the strongman they’ve been waiting for. What an incredible con this is.

Miller wondered why Emmer would bother because he really has no future in politics beyond what he already has. But that answers itself. He’s afraid that Trump will make them take it away and apparently there is no amount of personal pride or integrity that is worth more than that silly job.

Republican politicians, all of them, are eager to humiliate themselves before the Orange Julius Caesar. It makes them feel safe.

It makes me feel nauseous.


Former President Donald Trump has reportedly delighted in how even lawmakers that he’s crossed are backing his 2024 presidential bid.

According to a New York Times report, Trump has bragged about how Rep. Tom Emmer, the No. 3 House Republican, endorsed his presidential campaign even after Trump derailed Emmer’s effort to become speaker of the House in the wake of Kevin McCarthy’s historic ouster.

“They always bend the knee,” Trump said privately of Emmer.

There’s a word for this but I’m too civilized to use it.

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