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Mamas, Don’t Let Your Girls Grow Up To Be Buff

Some psycho busy-body might decide she needs to have her genitals checked.

This makes me see red. And it’s all in the name of “protecting” girls:

A Utah high school student needs police protection after a state school board member publicly singled out and suggested the student was transgender — without evidence — inciting threats from her followers on social media.

Natalie Cline later apologized — but not before many commenters personally attacked the player, the student’s school district had to provide extra security for her,and the lawmaker who wrote the state’s anti-transgender athlete bill weighed in sharing private information possibly in violation of her own measure.

The latest post from Cline, who has repeatedly come under fire for her controversial posts, came late Tuesday, setting off 16 hours of hateful speculation that continued even after she deleted it Wednesday afternoon. It also prompted a strong statement from Utah Gov. Spencer Cox and Lt. Gov. Deidre Henderson condemning Cline’s “unconscionable behavior” and calling for the school board to take action against her.

Cline’s original post included a flyer for a high school girls’ basketball team in Salt Lake County. On her public Facebook page, the ultra-conservative and outspoken member of the Utah State Board of Education wrote “Girls’ basketball” — implying that one of the players was not female, suggesting she shouldn’t be able to play. The girl is a minor. To protect the identity of the athlete, The Salt Lake Tribune is not naming the school.

The comment section quickly became filled with people calling out the player, naming her, threatening her and referring to her with vulgar language. Some identified her school and said they were going to call the principal.


Last month, the father of a junior varsity girl’s basketball player confronted administrators, demanding one of the girls not be allowed to play because he believed she was transgender. The girl was not the same athlete from Cline’s post.

Other similar incidents have occurred — including another in 2022 where two parents challenged the gender of a girl who had beaten their children at a track meet — but the Utah High School Activities Association has so far not released data on their frequency. The USHAA determined in that first case, after pulling the accused student’s records back to kindergarten, that she has always been female.

That is also the case with the girl Cline questioned, according to Equality Utah. Cline later updated her apology to include that, but continued to discuss the girl’s body.

“She does have a larger build, like her parents,” Cline wrote. “We live in strange times when it is normal to pause and wonder if people are what they say they are because of the push to normalize transgenderism in our society.”

My God, this woman is a psychopath who should be kept away from children. It’s so twisted and cruel that I have a hard time believing that anyone would put up with this nonsense. And just because she deleted her post doesn’t mean she learned her lesson. In her “apology” she wrote:

In that new post she wrote: “To protect the player, I have removed the post. My deepest apologies for the negative attention my post drew to innocent students and their families.”

But she also continued by saying “good faith efforts” to be inclusive of all girls’ differing bodies have “been taken advantage of” and “leads to suspicion about girls who are more buff than most.”

No, normal people do NOT police girls bodies for suspicious signs of buffness. What in the hell is wrong with this woman?

There’s a lot more to this story which you can read at the link. There is serious push back from some in the legislature but it’s the same legislature that overrode a veto to ensure that transgender kids would be discriminated against, threatened and publicly humiliated. Apparently, non transgender girls (athletes!) are also to be threatened publicly humiliated for “looking buff.” It’s pretty clear that these sick people are just obsessed with the genitalia of teen-age girls. It’s dystopian sci-fi in real life.

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