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Shhh. Don’t Tell Anyone, But Immigration Is Good For America

The WaPo’s Jeff Stein:

Due largely to an unexpected surge in immigration, the U.S. economy will be about $7 trillion larger – & federal revenues about $1T bigger – the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday 

That impact is over 10 years, to be clear. It does not take into account any legislation that Congress may or may not approve 

Here’s the CBO statement…

CBO Director Phillip Swagel: “More workers means more output, and that in turn leads to additional tax revenue” 

Who knew that immigrants during full employment would be so good for the country? Why, these people are paying taxes and everything!

I’m sure you have noticed that none of the objections to “the invasion” include the usual lament of “they’re stealing out jobs!” because even they know how fatuous that is in this situation. They have exposed their true reason: they aren’t white. The anti-immigrant fervor is all about allowing people who don’t look like them to come into the country and put taco trucks on every corner. This is what they hate. And it’s obvious.

I have always wondered how these people planned to fill all the jobs that immigrants are currently doing, We’ve had an answer recently. Child labor Prisoners too. And some of them are even touting how beneficial slavery was to the enslaved so I’m guessing that’s probably on the agenda too. Anything but foreigners. You know, people like our ancestors.

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