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It’s not that he’s old, it’s that he’s an idiot

And I’m not talking about Biden

Following up on Tom’s post below …. there’s more:

Actually it’s also that he is losing what’s left of his limited faculties and it’s been happening for a long time. The mainstream media never questioned this lunatic’s mental fitness the way they are Biden’s:

And then there’s the pathological lying and narcissistic personality disorder.

Meanwhile, Biden has successfully brought the nation back from economic catastrophe in record time and better than any of our peer countries, managed to get major bipartisan legislation passed under almost impossible circumstances and reassured allies that we haven’t gone completely batshit insane. For that he’s getting the Clinton emails treatment from Republican functionaries foolishly empowered by the Democratic Party and the godforsaken press, the members of which will be the first ones rounded up for the camps once they deport every brown-skinned immigrant in the country, (And that’s if the entire business of mainstream journalism hasn’t completely collapsed before then.)

It’s hard to belive that we’d have to go through this again but here we are.

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