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MAGA’s Intellectual Muse

I’ve written before about Christopher Rufo, the young force behind the ant-woke crusade that’s got the GOP all excited. That’s his latest, in response to the news that the Heritage Foundation is laying the groundwork for a massive government intrusion into the American family life, especially the bedroom.

Rufo is all for it, claiming later on Xitter that his comments are all empirical facts.

If only the bitches would just put their biscuits in the oven and their buns in the bed we’d all be so much better off, amirite?

Even little girls under 13 need to understand what they were put on this earth to do. No matter what.

I urge you to read the latest on Rufo over at Wonkette by Doctor Zoom:

Rufo’s list of illustrious employers and publishers include the Manhattan Institute and its nutty City Journal, the intelligence-design-friendly Discovery Institute, and scientific racism-spouting doorstop Aporiajust to name a few.

So it comes as no surprise that The Guardian has a piece on Wednesday revealing Rufo’s relationship with a magazine called IM-1776a journal of the “dissident right” with quite a few anonymous contributors (almost universally not a good sign when talking about right-wing publications).

IM-1776 is the sort of magazine that publishes sentences like this with a straight face:                                                                                                            

The public schools in [Los Angeles] were essentially ghetto daycares, but without having the good sense to segregate by ethnicity.

That’s from a piece praising Nayib Bukele, the right-wing president of El Salvador who has, among other things, sent armed troops into his nation’s legislature to intimidate legislators into approving a $100 million loan from the United States that would have gone towards his controversial gang crackdown program that involved the suspension of civil liberties so authorities could round up alleged gang members.

We won’t even talk about the admiring obituary for the Unabomber or the review of Rufo’s own book that refers sneeringly to “the so-called Civil Rights Act.” Or the interview with the French white nationalist who coined the term “The Great Replacement” for the theory that has motivated more than a few massacres of religious and ethnic minorities.

Read it all. Oy.

Rufo is MAGA’s propaganda minister. Doctor Zoom notes:

The Guardian also has yet another moment of Rufo admitting out loud his entire discourse strategy, which somehow still manages to fool every freaking mainstream reporter, no matter how many times he says exactly what he’s doing to scare your Fox-loving uncle into believing that white kids at the local high school are being caged, mocked, and forced to eat Jell-O molds:

On the Pirate Wires podcast earlier this month, he told host Mike Solana of his own activism: “I try to play that game, I try to lay traps, I try to provoke certain reactions, I try to launder certain words and phrases into the discourse.”

And it works. At least for a while as the MSM laps it up as the latest sign that MAGA is sweeping the nation. Then whatever it was dies out in the face of reality (I’m looking at you, Moms for Liberty) and they quickly move on to the next. I’ll give him credit. He is prolific.

I wonder if the Democrats will let him slide on this incel-friendly stuff about “recreational sex” (is there any other kind?) They’ve gone off half cocked before (no pun intended) but this one seems even more out of step than usual.

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