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They Did It To Themselves

The Supremes are talking. Oy:

In a conversation in Austin with Chief Judge Priscilla Richman of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, Kavanaugh acknowledged the polarization in the country over political and legal issues, especially since the Supreme Court in 2022 overturned the legal right to an abortion established decades earlier by Roe v. Wade.

He said judges and Supreme Court justices must clearly explain their interpretation of the law and apply those legal principles in a uniform fashion. “Individual decisions don’t have to be popular. … The losing party has to respect the decision,” Kavanaugh said at the 5th Circuit Judicial Conference.

“Consistency builds respect,” he continued. “It’s showing up every day in the courtroom and trying to be respectful to the parties, to write your opinion in a way that’s clear and understandable, to get out when you’re speaking and try to explain, to the bar, the judicial process, to try to be transparent and to be impartial as a judge.”

How about consistency with precedent, which they promised to do in their confirmation hearings? In fact, how about consistency with their promises in general in their confirmation hearings? (Although, I guess Kavanaugh has done that — he did promise that we’d reap the whirlwind and a whole lot of women are doing just that today.)

Consistently extreme rulings aren’t going to gain respect from the majority of Americans, sorry. It’s making that majority hold the Supreme Court in roughly the same esteem as a street gang.

He went on to say:

“Real lives are being affected. Real people are being hurt or helped. You can’t lose sight of that. It’s polarized. I get it. I’m part of the system. I understand. I see it.”

If anyone knows, it Kav. He’s been a political operative his whole career and still is.

But Kav wasn’t the only one spouting BS at that conference:

After facing harsh questions about his judicial decisions and acceptance of lavish gifts from a billionaire, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas forcefully pushed back at his critics Friday — saying he and his wife,Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, have endured “nastiness” and “lies.”

Thomas targeted the maelstrom he has facedin Washington, offering some of his most extensive comments since news broke last year of travel and real estate deals paid for by Republican donor Harlan Crow,and since he has faced calls to recuse himself from cases related to the 2020 election because of his wife’s involvement with efforts to block Joe Biden’s victory.

“What you are going to find, especially in Washington, is that people are going to pride themselves on being awful,” Thomas said during the hour-long conversation with U.S. District Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle, a former clerk of his, at a judicial conference on the Gulf Coast, hundreds of miles from the nation’s capital. “It’s a hideous place.”

The justice went on to say that he maintains his positivity in work and life despite the tribulations. Still, he told his audience that he wished he had remained a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit and that he “had no interest in public life” but felt called to it by God. He did not address any recent decisions by the court.

Another whining wingnut. Do they ever stop?

These wingnuts are all convinced that they were chosen by God. Actually, Thomas was chosen by George Bush Sr and he was definitely not God. But he is right about Washington being full of people who pride themselves on being awful. He is their leader.

Alito spoke at a Catholic university commencement and told the graduates not to abandon their beliefs, perhaps assuming they all agreed with him. Polling suggests they do not, at lest when it comes to his odious abortion decision.

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