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Hunter Biden Guilty

This isn’t a surprise. I expect that Hunter will see the inside of a jail cell for his crimes of filling out one form wrong and paying his taxes late long before Trump will. After all, Trump just tried to stage a coup and stole nuclear secrets so the punishment must fit the crime.

For the first time ever in history, the right is applauding someone being found guilty on federal gun charges of failing to properly fill out a form. Normally they have a hard time applauding the conviction of mass murderers if they used a precious AR-15 to do it. Nonetheless, they are absolutely convinced that it’s all for Biden’s benefit because it makes him look good:

They are also a little bit bewildered that the leader of the Biden Crime Family allowed this to happen. They assumed that he would get off:

That fine fellow is on the short list for Attorney General in a new Trump administration.

I heard something this morning that I’ve missed before. Apparently, one of the reasons the plea agreement fell apart last year was because they wanted the judge to supervise his parole and she refused. They wanted her to do it because they were afraid that a Trump administration in charge of Hunter Biden’s release would almost certainly say he violated the terms and throw him in jail. This was reported by MSNBC’s Lisa Rubin and I don’t know how much this had to do with the decision to back out of the plea deal.

CNN reported that the Trump campaign put out this statement:

“This trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the Biden Crime Family, which has raked in tens of millions of dollars from China, Russia and Ukraine. Crooked Joe Biden’s reign over the Biden Family Criminal Empire is all coming to an end on November 5th, and never again will a Biden sell government access for personal profit. As for Hunter, we wish him well in his recovery and legal affairs.

Apparently, they then withdrew it and erased that final sentence. I’d guess Dear Leader didn’t like it. Class all the way.

I’m not sure if any of this will make a difference in today’s political world but it’s right nonetheless:

Does anyone care?

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