Get a load of this ridiculous nonsense:
The GOP team’s practice was supposed to start at 6 a.m. But when NOTUS showed up around 5:52, the majority of the team was already on the field, their arms warm and their hamstrings loose. Most were wearing jerseys and gray baseball pants.
The Democrats showed up in combinations of sweatpants, shorts, T-shirts and soccer jerseys. They looked like “The Bad News Bears” at the beginning of the movie. The Republicans look like the rich kids in “The Sandlot” — but with the gear and the game. They look like a real baseball team. The Democrats do not.
As both teams prepare for the annual Congressional Baseball Game — a contest that oscillates between bipartisan goofiness and partisan combat, depending on the Congress — the two teams this year seem to be, if not on different planets, then at least in different leagues.
Republicans are using the game to literally tee off on Democrats. Months of crack-of-dawn practices and buckets full of bruised baseballs can attest to their frustration — a frustration borne out of uncomfortable political realities.
The party is divided. Their majority has dwindled. And their presidential nominee just became a convicted felon.
The year, in short, has been bad. And in the minds of many GOP lawmakers, it’s the Democrats’ fault. It’s Democrats standing in the way of the GOP’s legislative wins. It’s Democrats who joined with eight Republicans to jettison Kevin McCarthy from the speakership. And it’s Democrats who should pay. If Republicans can’t win on the House floor, they can at least win on the baseball diamond.
For Democrats, the game is just that: a game.
“This is, like, the best time of year in all of Congress,” Sánchez, the coach for the Democratic team, tells NOTUS. “Because it’s fun.”
But fun seems to be the last thing on the GOP’s mind.
“It’s a big rivalry. Everybody says [the game is] bipartisan; it’s not really bipartisan,” Rep. Roger Williams, the GOP coach, says. “And with all the stuff that’s happening, this is another way to get after each other.”
“I tell people, go back to your high school days, when you played your biggest rivalry in football,” Williams says. “All you thought about was that, right? At school, you didn’t do your homework, you didn’t study. You’re ready to get out there.”
“It’s the same thing with this,” he says.
One hundred percent concur with JV Last here:
That’s one of the most pathetic things I’ve ever heard a grown many say.
As Last writes, this is happening because the Republicans have gone “0 for the session” in this congress due to their ineptitude and extremism. So they’ve spent their time practicing baseball to own the libs.
But they can’t stop the libs from laughing at them. They’re ridiculous.