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Dr Feelgood Has A Demand

“I’m going to be demanding on behalf of many millions of concerned Americans right now that he submit to a drug test before and after this debate, specifically looking for performance enhancing drugs, because we see we’ve seen recently that in his state of the Union address, that there was a Joe Biden that came out that was not, similar at all to what we see on a day to day basis for the last three and a half years. And there’s just really no way to explain that, other than he was on something that could give any medications.

I feel like this is probably what’s going on over this week at Camp David. You know, he’s going to be at Camp David for a full week before the debate. Part of that is probably experimenting with, you know, just getting the doses just right, because, you know, they have to treat his cognition.”

He specifically mentions Adderal and Provigil:

Here’s a copy of one piece of evidence in the scathing Inspector General’s report on Jackson’s tenure as White House physician which led to him being busted down from admiral to captain for handing out just those drugs along with ketamine, fentanyl and morphine (among other reckless behaviors.)

Details on Jackson’s White House trap house:

A long-awaited inspector general’s report released last month faulted previous White House medical teams for widely dispensing sedatives and stimulants, failing to maintain records on potentdrugs including fentanyl, providing care to potentially hundreds of ineligible White House staff and contractors, and flouting otherfederal regulations.

“We concluded that all phases of the White House Medical Unit’s pharmacy operations had severe and systemic problems,” the report concluded, adding that the challenges threatened the unit’s primary mission — to keep the president and vice president healthy and safe.

The inspector general’s report sparked significant public alarm. But a Washington Post review found problems with the unit’s conduct were even more pronounced than the Pentagon’s latest findings, according to administration documents and interviews with former White House staffers and medical unit members, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations and internal procedures.

Four former members of the White House Medical Unit confirmed that in both the Trump and Obama White Houses,the team passed out sedatives such as Ambien and stimulants such as Provigil without proper prescriptions, provided complimentary medical equipment and imaging to ineligible staffers, and used aliases in electronic health records to disguise the patients’ identities and deliver free care in cases where the recipients wouldn’t be eligible.

Former staffers said those practices were shaped by Ronny Jackson, an emergency medicine physician who led the team under President BarackObama, continued to exert control over it as President Donald Trump’s personal doctor, and ultimately spent nearly 14 years in the White House. Now a Republican congressman, Jackson used his proximity to both presidents to build influence by dispensing medical care and drugs without proper procedures, the staffers said — conduct that earned him nicknames such as “Candyman” or “Dr. Feelgood,” according to a whistleblower complaint to Congress in 2018.

On losing his Admiral stripes:

Ronny Jackson, the former White House physician turned GOP congressman, regularly touts his military bona fides.

“As a retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral with nearly three decades of military service I understand the commitment and sacrifices made by servicemen and servicewomen to serve our country,” the two-term representative from Texas says on his congressional website in a message posted to a page listing his work on veterans issues.

But Jackson is no longer a retired admiral. The Navy demoted him in July 2022 following a damaging Pentagon inspector general’s report thatsubstantiated allegations about his inappropriate behavior as a White House physician,a previously unreported decision confirmed by a current defense official and a former U.S. official who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive personnel move.

Jackson is now a retired Navy captain, those people said — a demotion that carries a significant financial burden in addition to the social stigma of stripped rank in military circles.

That inappropriate behavior included sexual harassment and drinking on the job.

As with Trump, Jackson’s absurd analysis is actually projection. Someone in the Trump White House was using Provigil and Adderal and it wasn’t Joe Biden. I think we might have a good idea who it was.

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