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Biden Campaign Hitting Project 2025 Hard

Thank God

There has been an upsurge in google searches for Project 2025. The Biden campaign has noticed and they are here to help:

Axios reported:

The Biden campaign is using Thursday’s debate to launch a new offensive against Trump allies’ radical plans to transform the U.S. government, known as “Project 2025.”

The Biden campaign wants to convince jaded voters that a second Trump presidency poses grave risks to the country. Biden officials see Project 2025 — which calls for an unprecedented expansion of presidential power — as a useful blueprint for what Trump’s return would bring. The controversial transition agenda was compiled by the Heritage Foundation with input from close Trump allies and former aides — some of whom are likely to take top jobs if he wins — but Project 2025 is not an official campaign platform.

The Trump campaign points instead to the Agenda47 website for policies explicitly endorsed by former President Trump.

The Project 2025 proposals have started to attract more attention online as more Americans tune into the race.Google search interest in “Project 2025” surged earlier this month, and a John Oliver segment on Trump’s plans for a second term racked up nearly 5 million views on YouTube in under a week.

The Biden campaign, whose messaging around Project 2025 accelerated after March’s State of the Union address, is trying to capitalize on the viral momentum. It launched a new website Thursday highlighting contentious policies from the Heritage Foundation’s 920-page “Mandate for Leadership,” a comprehensive policy guide for reshaping the federal government.

I think the John Oliver segment that went viral had a big impact, which is telling. (We could use more of that sort of thing.) In case you missed it:

Here’s a new Biden ad. Project 2025 is all about the Comstock Act and banning abortion and contraception.:

Also, this is very good:

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