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What’s Hiding In Trump’s Blood At The 2024 Debate? In 2020 It Was COVID

Disgraced and demoted Dr. Ronny “Pill Mill” Jackson wants drug testing before the debates. Rep. Ronny Johnson Jackson can demand that testing as part of the pre-debate messaging push. But he KNOWS that it won’t happen, especially for this debate. But the testing and doctor we should be talking about is Dr. Sean Conley, who was Trump’s doctor before the 2020 Trump/ Biden debate. If you recall everyone was supposed to be tested for COVID AT THE VENUE, THE DAY OF THE DEBATE.

Mark Meadows’ 2021 book revealed Trump had tested positive for COVID Saturday, September 26, 2020.

Trump spent much of Saturday with the woman he nominated to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court: Amy Coney Barrett. She and her family — including her husband and seven children — were all on hand at the White House, and met with Trump, the first lady and the Pences in the Oval Office.

Later, Trump attended a rally in Pennsylvania.

According to Meadows, Trump tested positive before traveling to the rally in Pennsylvania and then subsequently tested negative.

A timeline of Trump’s activities around the time of his positive Covid-19 test CNN

Now, you will note that this is “according to Meadows” and that Trump subsequently tested negative.” This is from Meadow’s book, but remember, he didn’t write this under oath. We don’t know the exact details of when Trump was tested or the type of test. What we do know is that Meadows and Dr. Conley hid that information from everyone, including Chris Christie, who got COVID from Trump during debate prep. Think of all the people Trump met with, like Goldstar families and soon to be Justice Amy Coney Barrett.

ONLY the DoD Inspector General can demand Dr. Conley and the testing people in the White House Medical Unit to tell them who was tested when, and then where the information sent.

Did Conley have an obligation to reveal Trump’s testing history to others on Trump’s debate prep team? Chris Christie thinks so, and said it during his Firing Line interview with Margaret Hoover which aired December 10, 2021.

I had been researching executive orders, state and federal laws around COVID reporting since Trump’s June 20, 2020 rally in Tulsa. The rally was a documented super spreader event.
I determined that Trump and his campaign staff hid reporting on the number of people infected at the rally by ordering people NOT to take tests at the rally but to travel by car to other states days later. Trump’s campaign staff used privacy laws, and uncoordinated public health laws, to avoid being caught violating Oklahoma’s Executive Orders and Federal COVID reporting laws.

When Meadow’s book came out in 2021 I went back to the research I did before during and after the Tulsa Rally. I suggested to the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis @COVIDOversight, that they look at Meadow’s book and cross reference with his messages on his phone to see if he was the one who told the traveling nurses hired by the campaign to stop the testing when they saw how many were infected.

I don’t know if they ever did, or if they got the hard evidence they would need to PROVE that Mark Meadows, Tony Ornato and/or Brad Parscale broke local, state and federal laws about COVID test reporting in Tulsa. (Like Halting & delaying testing the day of the rally prevented discovery of others who may be infected. This appears to be a violation of Oklahoma state law, Title 63. Public Health and Safety statutes. Specifically, under §63-6103, The Catastrophic Health Emergency Powers Act,)

BOTTOM LINE: I STILL want someone to be held responsible for the infections and deaths the violations of public health laws caused. It wasn’t just Herman Cain, THOUSANDS DIED in and around Tulsa. It’s documented.

Meadows Hid The Truth and Lied, People Got Sick Of COVID And Died

Why bother writing this? Because the MSM needs to be reminded that treating Trump AND HIS ENABLERS like normal people is a mistake of deadly proportions.

The only way we hear new info in the MSM is when a new book on this time period comes out, otherwise it’s old news.

Trump violated the agreed upon rules for the debate. Mark Meadows and Dr. Conley made this violation possible. It is possible that Dr. Conley broke the Federal COVID testing reporting laws. Also, Meadows might have broken laws about reporting sick workers. I think he did. There needs to be an investigation, like the DoD IG’s March 2021 report about Ronny Jackson’s behavior which led to him being demoted to CAPTAIN from Rear Admiral in JULY 2022.

The press can’t learn the truth about medical issues within the White House. Unless the DoD IG’s office does it, no one will ever know or be held responsible for Trump’s willful infections of others.

I always hear, “You can’t reach his base.” Yes, I don’t think Hope Hicks, Bill Stepien, Stephen Miller or Kellyanne Conway will step forward and tell people Trump knew he had COVID and infected them. But maybe we can reach the MSM, since they like to have Chris Christie on. Trump infected Christie during his debate prep, he almost died.

I checked, but I didn’t see that there were any protocols for COVID testing at today’s debate venue. But bringing up COVID testing would give the MSM an excuse to remind the public that Trump is willing to kill his closest advisors to hid his secrets.

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