What’s the plan, Stan?

A lot of savvy people don’t see how flighty and fickle (and disinspiring to voters) they appear with their post-debate insistence that Joe Biden step aside for another Democrat. They’re dressing up their panic as strategery.
I’m with Rick Wilson on this. November is a Bidenary choice until it isn’t.
Steadfastness is a virtue Dems need more of. Much more.
The other point I’d make in this is a lack of any global sense of the race from the Biden-panicked. Dobbs, Chevron, Trump v. U.S. might as well not exist. Someone I spoke with shrugged off Monday’s SCOTUS decision as “expected”! None of the commentary I’ve seen offers any perspective on how Trump himself may be bleeding support, on his electability. All some Democrats can see is Biden’s bad debate. One play is not the whole game.
The focus needs to be back on Trump’s perfidy, on his cognitive and legal impairments, and on the conservative thirst for a urinary unitary executive. There’s a conspiracy to end America. Thanks to the Supreme Court, we’re poised for dictatorship if Trump wins.
I was at the Raleigh Biden rally about 15 hours after last Thursday’s debate and Biden was ON. Hot, even. “Oh, but he was using a teleprompter,” several who weren’t there told me. Teleprompters inject stimulants now?
Perhaps Thursday’s debacle was a bad reaction to cold medicine. (That happened to me at 16.) Perhaps it’s more, as Carl Bernstein told Anderson Cooper last night. (He’s been saving this for his next book?)
Whatever. By request:
Hillary was not a good campaigner. But despite the forest of Trump signs out in the countryside, I felt sure (well, pretty sure) and told people who asked that the country was not crazy enough to elect a buffoon like Trump. Then I spent part of Election Day 2016 greeting voters beside Talks To The Sky. That night, Trump happened. I abandoned any pretensions of predictive ability.
Which is why I’m confounded by the certainty of the “Biden can’t win” chorus after the bad debate. There’s a lot of concern over whether he’s too old for the campaigning and for doing the job. I get that. Frankly, we’ve seen worse win. But Biden can’t?
So when I hear with surety that some unnamed, younger, other Democrat can win when there’s no plan, no funding, no campaign, and no candidate, I’m wondering if that’s the sort of wishful thinking that tripped me up in 2016.
I don’t care at this point if Biden is up to the job. Trump-the-idiot wasn’t. This election isn’t about responsible governance at this point. What I care about is winning and keeping Trump out of office again. Biden beat Trump once and, until data suggests he’s toast, has a shot as incumbent of doing it again. Whether he’s in decline is not the point. This one’s for all the marbles. I need more than Another Democrat before I board the dump-Biden train this late in the process. Get me an alternate candidate and a plan and we’ll talk.
BTW, Biden could be the official Democratic Party nominee in three weeks (as early as July 21), not a month later in August.
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