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A Call To Hope, Action And Bridge-building

Maybe irony isn’t quite dead

Just ahead of news of the shootings at a Trump rally in Pennsylvania, Netroots Nation 2024 closed in Baltimore with a dialogue between a Palestinian and Israeli, friends who both lost family and friends in the violence along the Gaza border last year and in Gaza itself since. Aziz Abu Sarah and Maoz Inon work together for peace to prove peace is possible. Crying together can be healing. The dialogue was inspiring.

Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas earlier urged attendees not to lose our shit. He did not support Biden during the 2020 primaries; he backed Elizabeth Warren. Nevertheless, Black primary voters in South Carolina chose the most boring candidate in the race (Biden) … who won and turned out to be a pretty great president.

Democrats, he reminded the audience, have over performed the polls since 2018, They’ve won ballot initiatives everywhere. Meantime, Trump underperformed in his primaries. Republicans tell pollsters they support Trump, but then don’t show up for him. We are in uncharted territory where polls are concerned. 

His message: Don’t Panic. We’ve got this.

Shortly later, we heard about the attempted assassination in Pennsylvania.

The world is upside down. Irony isn’t dead, but it is cruel.

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