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THE moment

The NY Times reported:

Two other women shared their stories as well and the whole segment was incredibly moving:

Against a black background on the convention stage in Chicago, Amanda Zurawski and her husband, Josh Zurawski, described how she nearly died after going into premature labor at 18 weeks of pregnancy. Doctors at a hospital in Texas, which has a near-total abortion ban, sent her home, deeming her not sick enough to qualify for an abortion under the law’s exception for life-threatening emergencies.

“Every time I share our story, my heart breaks,” Ms. Zurawski said. “For the baby girl we wanted desperately. For the doctors and nurses who couldn’t help me deliver her safely. For Josh, who feared he would lose me, too. But I was lucky. I lived. So I’ll continue sharing our story, standing with women and families across the country.”

Kaitlyn Joshua told of being in the middle of a miscarriage and being old to go hom by two different hospitals because they feared being held liable for an unauthorized abortion in Louisiana. Hadley Duvall, in the video above,brought gasps from the audience when she said:

Ms. Duvall, looking directly into the television cameras, quoted former President Donald J. Trump’s description of states’ passing abortion bans as a “beautiful thing” and asked, “What is so beautiful about a child having to carry her parent’s child?”

The Democrats, women and men alike, are running on this issue as they should. Women across the country are energized and motivated to vote against the monster who facilitated the destruction of their right to own their bodies and access necessary health care. These real stories are powerful.

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