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I’m So Tired

I’m not sure how much longer I can take this fatuous nonsense. The Democrats have to put him away once and for all.

David Frum compiled some of Trump’s foreign policy “achievements”

He accepted the help of Russian spy agencies to win the presidency in 2016 …

directed tens of millions of taxpayer and foreign government $ to his own businesses ……

ordered a religious test on immigrants and visitors to the United States – rewrote it three times until a friendly Supreme Court disgraced the country by inscribing the rewritten ban into law …….

started trade wars not only with China, but against friends like the European Union, Canada, Japan, and South Korea. He encouraged close ally Britain to exit the EU – then refused Britain the US-UK trade treaty he’d promised ……

as his anti-China trade war rapidly proved a costly fiasco…, then connived in the Chinese cover-up of the deadly COVID outbreak through the pandemic’s crucial early weeks ……

made deals with Putin that he concealed from his own national security team ……

and blackmailed Ukraine, denying that democracy weapons unless it fabricated political dirt against his expected election opponent … and was only barely dissuaded from quitting NATO altogether according to his own highest aides ……

mocked and defamed America’s most honest war dead…

and their grieving families ……

. stole ultra-classified government documents on his way out the door, including nuclear secrets – which he later showed to paying customers at Mar a Lago, including foreign nationals.…

That’s just for starters. I would add that he appears to have taken a $10 million bribe from Egypt and his son in law took a $2 billion payoff from Saudi Arabia.

Look at what he’s saying about Israel today:

He says h’s done more for Israel “than any other person and it’s not even close.” Have you ever heard anything dumber than that?

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