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A Loathsome Piece Of Work

Trump actually posted this on Truth Social:

He’s said and done a LOT of disgusting things in his short political career. But this may be the worst. He and his republive minions are out there every day on social media pushing the lie that Harris slept her way to the top.

I know I don’t really have to say this but it’s important. She had a relationship with Willie Brown, the Speaker of the state assembly for about a year in the mid 90s when she was a prosecutor in Alameda County. He recommended her for a job on the unemployment appeals board.( I don’t think that’s quite the stepping stone to power people what you to believe.)

Then she went to work for the San Francisco DA’s office and the San Francisco City Attorney, ran for San Francisco DA and she won. Twice. After that she ran for Attorney General of California and she also won twice. After that she ran for the Senate and won and then ran for VP and won. She has been an elected official for over 2 decades. Unless she gave blow jobs to millions of voters, she did not sleep her way to the top. It’s absurd.

There’s more here. Ugh.

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