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Dog my cats indeed

The childless cat lady sings

You can’t unsee it. Donald Trump last night bested Joe Biden with a Grandpa Simpsonesque debate performance even more unsettling against Vice President Kamala Harris. If Trump’s goal was to be best of the worst, congratulations, Donald, you did it.

Trump made at least 33 false claims during the debate, fact-checker Daniel Dale told CNN viewers Tuesday night. But that’s not the point anymore. Facts have never mattered to Trump, nor to his MAGA cult. As Maya Angelou said, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

How did they feel about seeing Trump afraid even to look at Harris?

How did Americans feel about Harris pledging to fight for them, all of them, while Trump whined about his crowd size?

How did they feel about Trump citing Viktor Orbán, the autocratic prime minister of Hungary, as a character reference?

There were too many memorable moments to review. Too many Harris zingers and Trump belly flops. But I’m reminded of Gov. Tim Walz telling an audience: Who is asking for for the agenda Trump and Republicans advocate? For more tax cuts for the rich? To shred the social safety net and take away more of our freedoms, etc.?

More to the point after last night, who is asking for four more years of Trumpism? Who is asking for four more years of race-baiting? Who is asking for four more years of this kind of insanity? How did they feel about this?

Shortly after the debate, a famous “childless cat lady” who sings endorsed Harris in a cogent Instagram statement while urging Americans to register and vote.

Dog my cats.

Joe Ross: Funny old world.
Susan Ricci: Funny old world? Dog my cats!
Joe Ross: Dog my cats indeed.

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