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Trump’s First Day

It’s going to be a very busy day. Usually the new president goes to the inaugural brunch, takes a nap and then goes to the inaugural ball on day one. Trump says he’s going to take 200 actions and counting.

“A lot but not all of what Trump says he wants to do on day one is going to be illegal or impractical,” said Steve Vladeck, a constitutional law expert at Georgetown University Law Center and a critic of how Trump has wielded executive power. “But even the illegal stuff might go into effect for some time, and he might actually succeed in pushing the law in his direction.”

Here’s a little taste of what he’s promising on immigration on day one:

Ity sounds like it’s going to be quite a day.

Obviously, he can’t do all or really, any of that, on the first day. But recall that in 2017 it didn’t take him very long to enact his Muslim ban and even though the courts eventually pared it back, it created chaos and ended up being fairly draconian in the end anyway. I think we can expect the Mass Deportation promise to be the same. This time, especially if he has a majority in the congress, he’s going to get away with a lot more since the Supreme Court is practically in bed with him.

I have no doubt that he’s much more intent upon carrying out his promises and he will have nothing by henchmen and sycophants willing to help him do it throughout the government. He’s not a paper tiger.

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