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I guess the death penalty states are now racing to execute people at a record pace:

Death row inmates in five states are scheduled to be put to death in the span of one week, an unusually high number of executions that defies a yearslong trend of decline in both the use and support of the death penalty in the U.S.

If carried out as planned, the executions in Alabama, Missouri, Oklahoma, South Carolina and Texas will mark the first time in more than 20 years — since July 2003 — that five were held in seven days, according to the nonprofit Death Penalty Information Center, which takes no position on capital punishment but has criticized the way states carry out executions.

This country is in the grip of a death cult. Maybe it always has been.

I will never understand how a country can call itself civilized if it allows the state to kill people under a system that is nearly random and fraught with corruption and inequity. It’s pretty clear that it’s only done as a form of ritual punishment by the government to show that it can.

Update: Check out this piece by Bolts about the violent, criminal guards who carry out the secretive executions on Alabama. Yes, it’s barbaric.

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