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How we know they’ve all gone to the dark side

Marco Rubio used to be a normal politician. Yes, he was a conservative and he was full of shit in many different ways. But he was taken seriously on foreign policy as someone who understood the issues, even if people disagreed with him ideologically. He worked on immigration reform and had collegial relationships across the aisle. And at one time he was considered one of the prime GOP contenders for the presidency.

Now he routinely panders to the dumbest MAGA conspiracy theorist, pushing whatever the cult demands.

It’s unclear if he’s just become one of them, buying into every nonsensical bit of BS the fever swamp spits out or if he’s just cynically exploiting it for power. It actually doesn’t matter which because in the end it illustrates that the GOP is now fully merged with MAGA and whether Trump wins or not, there is no going back. They’ve trained tens of millions of their followers to think like this and they are now stuck in the same delusional rabbit hole and can’t get back out.

Will it take generations to purge this from the body politic? Will it even be possible?

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