Damn right

If she wins today it’s likely to be because of women. Women who are pissed about Trump and enthusiastic about Kamala Harris. It was always a mistake to underestimate that.
This campaign has not been much about the “first woman president” because, I guess, we all decided after Hillary that it wasn’t a good idea to celebrate that lest we upset some people.
But if Kamala wins, it’s a Big Fucking Deal and I am here for it:
Maybe by the end of this day I will want to delete this post and crawl into my bed. (It’s happened before…) But for now, I’m going to enjoy the prospect. After last time I didn’t think the Democrats would have the cojones to nominate another woman in my lifetime. But by an accident of history we got one and she turns out to be an excellent politician who has run a truly impressive campaign under difficult circumstances. I am here for it.