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Pick A Fight!

“A moment of genuine madness.” — MSNBC’s Chris Hayes

Max: Thunderdome. How do I get in there?
Aunty Entity: That’s easy. Pick a fight!

Two important points this morning.

First, like it or not, the public wants Thunderdome. The press covers Thunderdome. Thunderdome draws eyeballs in this attention economy. Again, and again and again: How many Rocky movies did Stallone make?

Brian Beutler responds both to ABC’s capitulation to Trump and congressional Democrats’ preference for Rep. Gerry Connolly over progressive star AOC for top Oversight Committee post.

“Democrats should imagine how Fox News would fill its airtime if this were a Democratic transition, and then speak and react as if they were creating soundbites for a big, aligned, signal-boosting media company,” Beutler writes. “Democrats should be unashamed to fight [Trump]. In this conservative-dominated media environment? Attract eyeballs, for God’s sake! Pick a fight! (emphasis mine):

Instead, the Democratic leadership has organized against handing the top seat on the House oversight committee to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, in the hope of installing Gerry Connolly, a 74-year old cancer patient, to the position. Connolly might not be a bad option in normal times. But over the next two years, Democrats should want an energetic, hungry figure in that role; the leaders prefer a committeeman they can control. If AOC were to become the committee chair in 2026, she would conduct freewheeling oversight; Connolly will heed the leadership and its stubborn aversion to conflict.

Donald Trump gives the people Thunderdome. But Democrats, with their “stubborn aversion to conflict,” won’t pick a fight or promote (in two senses) their best fighters.

Americans want to root for a fighter, to cheer for the underdog who punches back. The fictional George McFly who meekly takes it is cringe-worthy. Nobody wants to vote for him. The guy who cold-cocks Biff Tannen elicits cheers.

Let Republicans shout victimhood to the rooftops.

Slow Learners

Second, congressional Democrats on Tuesday voted to make “old and busted” Connolly the ranking member on the incoming House Oversight Committee over “new hotness” AOC.

Now, there is ageism and there is realism. I’m an old fart by now, just a few years younger than Connolly. I’m done. I’m an adviser. But I know that for a political party to remain vital, vibrant, and competitive, it has to have regular infusions of young blood. (See yesterday’s post.) That’s why two years ago I helped elect Anderson Clayton (then 25) state chair in North Carolina. (Like she needed much help.) But it’s a lesson slow learners among Democrats’ gerontocracy are loathe to accept.

It’s why Democrats should elect WisDems chair Ben Wikler, 43, the next chair of the Democratic National Committee on February 1. And I’d advise all y’all to tell your DNC members to support him. Clayton is up for reelection later in February.

MSNBC’s Chirs Hayes Tuesday night called the choice of Connolly over AOC “a moment of genuine madness.” Democrats’ “old guard” are slow learners.

Update: Kate Aronoff of The New Republic concurs, “The elderly are not too old to govern. But they may, in this case, be too attached to a failed way of doing things…. Pelosi and the old guard’s continued opposition to younger talent seems breathtakingly counterproductive in the face of the Democratic Party’s numerous challenges right now.”

Thank you sharing this Sanctuary of Sanity with us each day.
Happy Hollandaise!

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