MAGA GOP in disarray

So NOW reparations are on the table. When they’re presumed for Americans of a certain hue (Daily Beast):
Steve Bannon escalated the MAGA civil war Monday by calling for ‘reparations’ for Americans for losing out to immigrants on H-1B visas–who should themselves, he said, be deported.
Bannon repeatedly railed against the program—and billionaire Elon Musk, who backs the visas—on Monday’s War Room, asking guests including conspiracy theorist Laura Loomer and former-Democrat-turned-MAGA-backer Allison Huynh whether Musk understood the visas were a “scam.”
H-1B visas, which allow U.S. companies to hire highly skilled foreign workers for specialty jobs, were signed into law as part of the Immigration Act of 1990 by President George H.W. Bush, a Republican. President-elect Donald Trump said on Saturday he supported the program.
See, this situation absolutely requires a really futile and stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part! And Steve Bannon is just the guy to do it.
“The workers that are here on H-1B visas should be deported at the same time we’re deporting the 15 million illegal aliens Biden brought across the border to suppress wages to low-income workers,” Bannon said. “American workers should be hired immediately to fill those gaps, and then we should start the discussions on reparations, on what they knowingly did to American tech workers.”
Government requiring that people wear face masks during a deadly pandemic is tyranny. Government dictating that private employers hire less-skilled workers for specialty jobs and paying them reparations puts America first. Not that there’s anything central-planning about that.
Sociopathic overlords
Capitalists, Bannon railed, “always wanna go to the lowest-cost production.” Bannon the reactionary means to nip capitalism in the bud (Crooks & Liars):
“This is just about a compensation in indentured servants, basically quasi-slave labor in our own country by the enlightened oligarchs of Silicon Valley,” he continued. “This is like the Borgias or the Medici’s from Renaissance Italy, kind of these nation-states where Silicon Valley and these oligarchs are the feudal lords or the, as Ben Harnwell says, sociopathic overlords.”
“They bring indentured servants over here,” he said. “So you’re gonna be an indentured servant, just like many of our great, great grandparents did coming in the 19th century, before we broke indentured servitude. And we’re gonna break it here.”
“There need to be massive reparations from the sociopathic overlords,” he added.

Kris Goldsmith, the neo-Nazi hunter next door and founder of the Task Force Butler Institute, believes the Musk v. Bannon fight inside MAGA is a bigger phenomenon than many realize. Bannon built “a popular movement around right-wing extremist white nationalism.” Trump was a tool. Bannon, Goldsmith believes, could provoke the MAGA base to turn on Trump over the immigration issue Trump has run on from the moment he rode down his golden escalator.
@krisgoldsmith85 The MAGA Civil War isn’t about the base vs. billionaires. It’s Steve Bannon vs. Elon Musk. And Bannon will win. #CapCut #MAGA #DOGE #oligarchy #elon #elonmusk #trump #vicepresidenttrump #immigration #presidentelonmusk #h1b #h1bvisa #h1bvisas #vivek #vivekramasamy #stevebannon #warroom #bannon @Walter Masterson @David🤙🏽Boomer @CFH unfiltered @just-a-little-off-grid2 @MeidasTouch @The Ken Harbaugh Show ♬ original sound – Kristofer Goldsmith
The Republican Party already looks ungovernable, suggests a former GOP lawmaker. What does the MAGA civil war means for the reelection of Speaker Mike Johnson?
Another post from Daily Beast:
“When you look at people like the Chip Roys, the Tom Massies, the Andy Harrises; they drink their own bathwater. They don’t really drink Trump’s bathwater,” former GOP lawmaker Denver Riggleman explained on Bloomberg TV. “A lot of people call the Freedom Caucus a Trump protection caucus. But in reality, there are people there that are very idealistic, right? They’re ideologues, and they’re also going to do their own thing… I don’t think it guarantees Mike Johnson the speakership at all.”
Riggleman said the first day of Congress on Friday was going to be “miserable,” and he pointed out that this would be the easy part. Once they actually try to pass some laws in the deadlocked House, he said: “Legislation’s gonna be a sh–show.”
But you knew that.