Here is a typical blurb from the MSM in the last few days that I think is worthwhile to unpack. It’s from Semafor’s newsletter:
US President-elect Donald Trump will begin his second term with political momentum, but his sweeping promises may come back to haunt him. His November victory was “by any historical measure… a squeaker,” wrote Ezra Klein in The New York Times, “but the vibes have been a rout.” Silicon Valley embraced him and the Trumpian right won social media, allowing Trump a “cultural victory” larger than his political one. But he needs to be careful: He has promised an end to inflation and a rapid economic boom, despite policies that economists think will actually accelerate price rises and slow rather than aid growth. Polling already finds Americans skeptical that he can fulfil those promises.
It’s true that in the vibes economy (I can’t believe I’m writing that) Trump has been pretty triumphant during the interregnum. And yet many seem to think that the minute people realize that the price of eggs isn’t going down they will turn on him.
I suppose if you believe that it really was the price of eggs that made people vote for him then that might make sense. Let’s just say I’m skeptical it was that simple. But if it was then I’m pretty sure they’re going to find out quite soon that Trump lied. But then one of Trump’s superpowers is that he’s such a liar that nobody believes anything he says, whether they support him or not. Reality isn’t really salient in politics at the moment.