When you elect a criminal, you should expect him to commit crimes

It’s not a kitchen table issue so …
For over a week now, Donald Trump and the Justice Department have been flouting the law meant to shut down TikTok. The legislation was unambiguous and was passed by large, bipartisan majorities in both houses of Congress; it was affirmed by a unanimous Supreme Court less than two weeks ago. And for the most part, both Republicans and Democrats have sat quietly by as Trump has waved away their previously stated concerns, as well as the constitutional powers and institutional prerogatives of Capitol Hill.
He has also broken the law pertaining to the process for firing Inspector Generals and is ignoring the Impoundment Act by shutting down funding of programs he doesn’t like. He’s discriminating against all kinds of people.
But that’s what you get when you allow a criminal to become the most powerful man on earth and imbue him with immunity for virtually any crime he commits. He has demonstrated that he will pardon anyone who backs him if they run afoul of the law as well and having been impeached twice and saved by his GOP lackeys, he has no fear of being accused of abuse of power. He’ll never have to run again. He is completely unaccountable.
He is to all intents and purposes a dictator. Who’s going to stop him?