Back in 2009, Mitch McConnell led his minority Senate Republicans to obstruct the Democrats at every turn. At the time, the Democrats had a filibuster proof majority but the Republicans (and a few helpful Vicy Dems) managed to drag out the negotiations for months and made it as painful as possible.
A former staffer posted this on Blue Sky yesterday:

Maybe someone should send it to the Democratic Caucus. It might give them some ideas.
Speaking of Mitch, he was on 60 Minutes last night and it was interesting:
I thought this was particularly good:
Stahl: “You said he [Trump] is nasty, not very smart, a sleazeball”
Mitch McConnell: “Those were private comments”
Stahl: “But they’re in your biography.”
McConnell: “Yeah”
But you voted for him Mitch.
McConnell: “[Tariffs] will drive the cost of everything up. In other words, it will be paid for by American consumers. I mean, why would you want to get in a fight with your allies over this?” asks Sen. Mitch McConnell.
Did you not hear him when he promised to do this during the campaign?
Watch the whole thing if you have time. I guess he knows he’s short time and doesn’t believe he has anything to lose. His biographer says that the Court he put in place that saved Trump’s bacon ended up being the greatest stain on his legacy but he deserves to be pilloried for centuries for what he did to the judicial system. They don’t call him the gravedigger of democracy for nothing. Look where we are. At least he is forced to look at his handiwork.