The cacophony of political news is deafening. But Democrats have got to decide on a few simple phrases to say in unison and repeat cover and over again.
This is from “The Frame Lab” newsletter and I think it’s a step in the right direction:
Democrats face three immediate challenges:
- Grabbing the public’s attention
- Hammering the right frame
- Repeating it over and over again
Data for Progress, a progressive polling firm, suggests that framing Musk’s actions as “stealing from you” resonates strongly with voters. From Data for Progress:
Additionally, while saying DOGE will cut programs to “give tax breaks to giant corporations and billionaires like Musk” effectively decreases DOGE’s favorability, a message that combines “steal from you” and “give tax breaks” has an even greater negative impact on voters’ opinion on DOGE, particularly among Independents whose views on DOGE shifted 14 points more unfavorably on net with the combined message.
I believe the frame of “theft” can also unite us as a country against intruders who unjustly take our shared treasure and threaten our prosperity. The core message remains: the wealthiest man in the country is trying to steal what belongs to every American. He doesn’t need anything, yet he’s still pilfering from those who need it most.
I would combine that with “Nobody voted for Musk” which gives some wobbly Trump voters the ability to turn on the agenda without admitting they were dupes which seems to be very difficult for them to do. (MAGA means never having to say you’re sorry…)
Focusing on Musk right now in these early days makes the most sense. He’s not popular and he’s acting like a crazy man.