He’s not drunk, but still “bulletproof”

Some people still in federal employ will have no part of Donald Trump corrupting the functions of American justice (The New York Times):
Manhattan’s U.S. attorney on Thursday resigned rather than obey an order from a top Justice Department official to drop the corruption case against New York City’s mayor, Eric Adams.
To review, the BBC recounts, “Adams is alleged to have accepted gifts totalling more than $100,000 (£75,000) from Turkish citizens in exchange for favours, such as waiving safety regulations at the Turkish consulate in the city. He denies the charges.”
Back to the Times:
Then, when Justice Department officials transferred the case to the public integrity section in Washington, which oversees corruption prosecutions, the two men who led that unit also resigned, according to five people with knowledge of the matter.
Several hours later, three other lawyers in the unit also resigned, according to people familiar with the developments.
The serial resignations represent the most high-profile public resistance so far to President Trump’s tightening control over the Justice Department. They were a stunning repudiation of the administration’s attempt to force the dismissal of the charges against Mr. Adams.
U.S. attorney, Danielle R. Sassoon, in her resignation letter alleged that “Adams’s attorneys repeatedly urged what amounted to a quid pro quo, indicating that Adams would be in a position to assist with the Department’s enforcement priorities only if the indictment were dismissed. Mr. Bove admonished a member of my team who took notes during that meeting and directed the collection of those notes at the meeting’s conclusion.” That would be Emil Bove III, Attorney General Pam Bondi’s No. 2 official at the Justice Department.
Newsies are calling the serial resignantion Trump’s Saturday Night Massacre.
“Because the law does not support a dismissal, and because I am confident that Adams has
committed the crimes with which he is charged, I cannot agree to seek a dismissal driven by
improper considerations,” Sassoon told Bondi.
Bondi had Bove respond in accepting Sassoon’s resignation.
Expect more of this. Trump is intent on making corruption a hallmark of his second term.
Donald? We’re waiting for you to shoot a random someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue. You know you want to. John Roberts promises there will be no charges filed. Pam Bondi has your back.