Harwood sums it up

John Harwood assesses the GOP’s “descent into nihilism” at Zeteo. It is by now so taken for granted as to go unnoticed. Not in Kiev, of course.
I don’t have a Zeteo subscription just yet, but the teaser sums up the situation nicely. Or not so nicely, if you’re still a member of what once was the party of Lincoln that now is a pathology:
The Republican Congress is dominated by sycophants, extremists, performance artists, and opportunists. Those who know better bow down out of fear, not only for their careers but also for physical safety from attack by their own constituents.
That’s because the Republican voting base is shot through with anger.
And utterly faithless for all their Jesusing and proud-to-be-an-Americaning.
“Europe’s American century is over.” That’s a lot of graves to turn over in (above).
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