This morning I heard Dana Bash feeling the need to explain to her viewers that the Treaty of Versailles after WWI led to Adolph Hitler and WWII.
Then from Politico this morning:

He didn’t know any of this? This journalist needs to click on another Wikipedia page about the year FDR took office. The US was in the midst of the worst economic depression in its history. Unemployment In 1932 was 25% and getting worse and the banking system was near collapse.
He won in a landslide with 472 electoral votes, 42 (out of 48) states and 57.4% of the popular vote. The nation was desperate for relief and Roosevelt had a massive mandate to do what he was doing.
Trump,on the other hand, barely won the popular vote with 1.5% and didn’t even achieve a majority and only got 312 electoral votes. He has taken office in a period of full employment and economic vitality. The financial markets are booming and inflation, which was moderately high two years ago, is tamed.
Trump isn’t even trying to pass his agenda through the Congress as Roosevelt did because the GOP majority is so slim as to be almost non-existent. His policies are aimed at a phantom problem that nobody voted for or needed, all to benefit his buddies in the private sector who are no doubt going to be tapped to take up the slack that Musk has created with his indiscriminate cuts. And then, the corruption will really take off.
The only way you can compare Trump’s wrecking ball to Roosevelt’s is as the Bizarroworld version in which instead of saving the country he is destroying it.
How embarrassing for all concerned.