You’d think Trump would because of his family history. But no.

Greg Sargent writes today about the latest atrocity at the NIH:
[O]ne downsizing just started attracting notice among insiders at the National Institutes of Health, because it seems particularly inexplicable: According to people familiar with the situation, approximately one-tenth of the workers have now been let go at the NIH’s Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias, or CARD, including its incoming director, a highly regarded scientist credited with important innovations in the field.
What makes this particularly jarring is that it could set back efforts to treat and develop cures for these awful afflictions, as these insiders and other experts fear. But it’s also that the potential for this center to do good—and the importance of the broader cause of battling Alzheimer’s—have both been championed by Republicans. Indeed, CARD’s full name—the Roy Blunt Center for Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias—honors former Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri, an influential Republican who spoke glowingly about its potential to advance human progress when its opening was announced in 2022.
On Tuesday afternoon, at a meeting inside CARD’s building at NIH in Bethesda, Maryland, employees were informed that a sizable swath of the center’s workers were being fired, according to an employee who was at the meeting. One of those being dismissed, the source says, is Kendall Van Keuren-Jensen, who had been tapped to eventually become CARD’s acting director, replacing the current director, Andrew Singleton, who is reportedly set to depart.
Michael Greicius, a neurologist at Stanford University, pointed out that CARD has been at the cutting edge of advances not just for Alzheimer’s but Parkinson’s disease as well. He said that other researchers across the country rely on CARD’s work, meaning that if its work is hobbled, it threatens to have a “negative amplifying effect” across the field.
This is one of the most difficult diseases to deal with in the rapidly aging population of baby boomers. It’s expensive to take care of people who get it, it’s devastating to families and it’s terrifying to those of us facing those years head on right now. (And yes, I understand that baby boomers are the worst people in the world and deserve to burn in hell but unless we’re prepared to actually initiate Soylent Green, it has to be dealt with.)
I don’t know if there is a breakthrough on the way but even if it’s a long way off this is an issue that will confront every person either living with the fear of getting it or caring for someone who does. It’s unconscionable that they would cut this program. (It’s unconscionable that they would cut any of this vital research into any diseases but that’s what they’re doing.)
I haven’t been able to find any comments by RFK Jr about Alzheimer’s but I would not be surprised to learn that he thinks it has something to do with processed food or environmental toxins (which could be true for all I know) but I suspect he will now be guiding research in those directions regardless of the scientific consensus. He’s very much a one-trick pony who has no education or expertise in any of this but that won’t matter.
Oh, and by the way, Trump just endorsed the House budget plan which appears to cut at least a billion dollars from Medicaid. What do you think pays for most elderly people with Alzheimer’s in assisted living and nursing homes? Yep.