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They’re Piling Up The Kindling For A Reichstag Fire And Nice Little War

It’s bad enough that they are behaving like the economy was worse than 1932 when they took over so they can run roughshod over the law in the name of saving the country from collapse. Now they’re ginning up the rationale for the invasion of Canada. You think I’m exaggerating?

Meanwhile Trump says he wants to take over their country and subjugate their citizens against their will. But ok.

Do you wonder how it is that they are supposedly killing Americans? Well, here’s yet another of the dumbest economic advisers the world has ever known:

I know it sounds ridiculous to think that America would ever take over Canada. Whenever anyone brings it up, as Chris Hayes did on his show this week, the person responding always says “that will never happen.” But picture this. What if a Canadian, perhaps someone with an ax to grind over one of Trump’s egregious foreign policies, launches a terrorist attack in the U.S.? Can you imagine Trump responding militarily? I can…

I agree this is very unlikely, obviously. It certainly won’t happen because Canada decides to “join” the U.S.

But the way Trump is constantly pumping this idea it seems clear that he is serious and that he believes the more he says it the more Americans will support him. He’s very crazy these days so I don’t think we can just dismiss this.

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