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Caught in the transition

Caught in the transition

by digby

Ron Brownstein’s worst case scenario came true

The worst-case scenario for her is that Trump’s blue-collar blitz narrowly pushes him past her in some of the Rustbelt states she needs, while she cannot advance quite enough among minority and college-educated white voters to overcome his non-college-educated, non-urban, religiously devout coalition in Sunbelt states like North Carolina, Florida, Nevada, and Colorado, much less Arizona and Georgia. Transitioning between her party’s past and future, Hillary Clinton’s nightmare is that she might be caught awkwardly in between.

A white man might have been able to walk that line. Putting up a woman after the first African American was just too much and she got caught in the vortex.

She won the popular vote. But she lost in Real America, where just enough of the new Democratic coalition couldn’t bring themselves to vote for her — mostly men of all races but not enough college educated white women too.

It was too soon. Even the prospect of the fascist demagogue Donald Trump wasn’t enough to overcome it.

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