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Politics and Reality Radio with Joshua Holland Sam Wang Talks Polling; The Coming GOPocalypse; What Are Black Republicans Thinking?

Politics and Reality Radio: Sam Wang Talks Polling; The Coming GOPocalypse; What Are Black Republicans Thinking?

with Joshua Holland

We’ve come to our final show before the 2016 election, which feels like it’s dragged on for 20 years. Whether you’re an optimist or a pessimist, we have something for you this week.

First up, stats guru and election modeller Sam Wang from the Princeton Election Consortium talks to us about missing voters, phantom swings and why his rival’s model at FiveThirtyEight is more bearish on Hillary Clinton’s chances of victory than everyone else. (As of Saturday afternoon, PEC’s model gives Hillary Clinton a 99 percent likelihood of becoming the 45th president.)

Then we’ll be joined by Brian Beutler, a senior editor at The New Republic, to talk about his disturbing piece, “The Trump Apocalypse Might Not Come, But the Republican One Will.” If you thought Republican obstruction of a Democratic president’s agenda had reached a zenith with Barack Obama, and couldn’t possibly get worse, Brian has some bad news to deliver.

Finally, we’ll be joined by Stanford University sociologist Corey Fields to discuss his new book, Black Elephants in the Room: The Unexpected Politics of African American Republicans. If you’ve ever wondered how any African-American could support the party that nominated Donald Trump, Fields will share some of the insights he got researching that question.

Make sure to vote on Tuesday, and remind a few friends to vote as well!

Playlist (Do you sense a theme?):
Barry McGuire: “Eve of Destruction”
Thea Gilmore: “Bad Moon Rising”
Elvis Costello: “Waiting for the End of the World”
The Doors: “The End”

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