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Sleepy Don, the man who never sleeps

You may recall that over the weekend, the Surgeon General told CNN’s Jake Tapper,” the president, he sleeps less than I do and he’s healthier than what I am.” This is an absurd comment, of course. The fact that he stays up all night watching Fox and tweeting doesn’t make him immune from disease. And he clearly isn’t healthy. You only have to look at him to see it.

But apparently, this is a White House talking point. John Amato caught this on Fox:

Then on Monday’s Fox and Friends, the faux White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham doubled down on this lie when asked if both Bernie Sanders and Pres. Trump should stop holding rallies.

Co-host Ainsley Earhardt said, “Stephanie, when Bernie was on ‘Meet the Press’ over the weekend, Chuck Todd asked him if he was going to continue to be on the campaign trail because we keep hearing if you’re around 80 years old you are susceptible, and he is 78 years old.”

“President Trump is 73. Will he continue to have rallies and be out there on the campaign trail?” she asked.

Grisham dutifully replied, “He actually just addressed this. Yes, he plans on still holding rallies. And I’ll tell you what, with our President — this man who doesn’t sleep and who I have seen work 15-16 hours a day every day — I have no problem thinking that he’s going to be just fine and just healthy.”

He doesn’t “work” as normal people understand it. He tweets and watches TV and talks on the phone with his buddies and has a few meetings where his staff all kiss his feet and that’s about it. There are plenty of reports about this. Even in business he always showed up at the office late and then said something like, “what’s going on” and just did whatever crossed his mind that day. He’s obsessed with himself and that’s all he cares about.

Now he has possibly been exposed to this coronavirus and he falls into the highest risk category. I have no doubt that they are lying about him being tested. Of course, he was tested after shaking hands with all the Typhoid Marys at CPAC. And they should. They aren’t telling the truth about this because they want him to appear to be “tough” and superhuman.

But he really should get more sleep. He acts crazy most of the time and it’s probably at least partly because he’s sleep-deprived and using some kind of stimulant to wake him up (and keep his weight in check….) None of that is the recipe for good health in a 73-year-old man.

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