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Still crazy after all these months

President Donald Trump just dropped bombshell news on the matter of election integrity by predicting that officials will “decertify” the 2020 presidential election.

Discussing consequences for the “rigged” election, Trump told Jim Hoft, founder of The Gateway Pundit, during a Friday afternoon interview, “I do believe they are going to decertify the election.”

“They know it was rigged,” he added after a week of damning reports alleging vast voter irregularities in Maricopa County.

Addressing the Arizona canvassing report published by Liz Harris which claimed that the number of “lost” votes identified in Maricopa County is 173,104, or the equivalent of nearly three Sun Devil stadiums, she said during an interview on Steve Bannon’s “War Room” this week. “2.5 times that stadium is the number of people in Maricopa County whose votes were lost.”

In addition to missing votes, the report also identified 96,389 “ghost” votes which are described as “mail-in votes that likely could not have been physically cast by the voter that the vote was registered to,” because of address changes.

“These voters did not have a secondary mailing address and were either unknown to the residents who lived at their voting address since September 2020 or were known but confirmed to not have lived at the residence since prior to the election, and often had not lived there for many years.”

The combined number of “lost” and “ghost” votes, as well as many more inaccurate votes were discovered by canvassers, brings the total vote discrepancies to 269,493 – and that’s just one county in the state of Arizona.

Trump called Liz Harris a “patriot” for her findings, praising the report that alleges hundreds of thousands of “lost” or “ghost” votes.

On the matter of Arizona, Trump added “I lost at a very close number, but we were way up ahead,” and someone is “going to have to ask Fox,” about their curious early call for Arizona to go to Biden.

Is he serious? Who knows? But it doesn’t matter. His people will believe it.

He also called out the mainstream media for not wanting to cover the issue of alleged election irregularities. “Our media is corrupt as can be, but the people know what’s going on and another poll came out. 70 some percent thought the election was, to put it very nicely, tampered with,” said the 45th president.

He’s talking about a poll of Republicans that was taken right after the election. But it hasn’t changed much since then:

The survey of 1,552 U.S. adults, which was conducted from July 30 to Aug. 2, found that66 percent of Republicans continue to insist that “the election was rigged and stolen from Trump,” while just 18 percent believe “Joe Biden won fair and square.” Twenty-eight percent of independent voters also said they think Trump was the rightful winner of the 2020 election, as did a small 3 percent of Democrats.

While those who continue to hold this unsubstantiated view about the election are in the overall minority, representing just 29 percent of total respondents, the number has remained relatively unchanged over the last several months. Since January, similar surveys have found that between 27 and 29 percent of people believe the election was rigged.

29% of “people”still believe The Big Lie. Of course, Trump only thinks his followers are people and they are still with him. And the Republican party is happy to see him flogging it because it gives them the excuse they need to pass laws that suppress the votes of their political enemies. It’s a sick symbiosis.

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