Coronavirus cases in children in the United States have risen by 32 percent from about two weeks ago, a spike that comes as the country rushes to inoculate children ahead of the winter holiday season, pediatricians said.
More than 140,000 children tested positive for the coronavirus between Nov. 11 and Nov. 18, up from 107,000 in the week ending Nov. 4, according to a statement on Monday from the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children’s Hospital Association.
The good news is that kids can’t spread the virus to vulnerable adults or people who haven’t yet been able to get their boosters. No need for schools to have kids wear masks or use social distancing policies as much as possible. Just let ‘er rip. Oh wait. I forgot. A bunch of Trump voting anti-vaxxers have a political point to make and if people have to die, well that’s the price we all must pay for their freedom. (And if they refuse to get vaccinated or wear masks, contract the virus and wind up in the hospital, we all have to pay for their medical care too.)
Schools being plague zones and then the kids going back and spreading it to adults is really what has been driving the latest round in many places.
I don’t have strong beliefs about what policies/mandates should be, but my basic view is “every little bit helps,” and while allowing life to get back to normal might be fine, shaming people who didn’t rip off their masks and cough in each other’s mouths probably wasn’t the best idea.
It is sick.
Get boosted as quickly as possible.